Simplifying Fabrication

The welder generates an electric arc for fusing standard couple elements into freestanding beads and welding them to any thickness base metal.

Dcc 1

DCC Corporation (Pennsauken, NJ) offers their HotSpot Thermocouple Attachment Welder for thermocouple fabrication applications. The welder generates an electric arc for fusing standard couple elements into freestanding beads and welding them to any thickness base metal. Additional features include:

  • Visual and sonic indicators that alert the operator when the welder has cycled and is at the user selected power level.
  • Powered from the AC line through a step-down transformer or from a gel-type battery, which provides power for a few hundred welds off-line.
  • The battery is automatically recharged whenever the unit is connected to AC power.
  • The company feels these welded thermocouples solve the couple generation and attachment problem, and merging these steps with the HotSpot helps save time and money.

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