Free Safety Distance Calculator

The calculation tool uses the values entered to determine the necessary safety distance and suggest the appropriate light curtain in each case.


Pilz (Canton, MI) now makes available a new browser-based software tool “Safety Distance Calculator” that enables users to calculate safety distances for all common safety light curtains, simply and quickly.

The free, digital calculation tool uses the values entered to determine the necessary safety distance and suggest the appropriate light curtain in each case. Users can choose from the product range of safety light curtains such as the PSENopt or PSENopt II from Pilz. Using the calculator to work out the distance is beneficial in industries such as custom machine building, where the safety distance needs to be recalculated frequently.

Users can call up the tool online via the Pilz website. The intuitive “Safety Distance Calculator” provides additional information on the individual calculation steps, such as calculating the minimum distance for example.

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