DriSteem Adiatec High Pressure Atomization Expansion

DriSteem's latest enhancements to the product line will allow systems to be utilized in countries with 50Hz power supplies.

Dri Steem

DRI-STEEM Corporation (Eden Prairie, MN) announces an expansion in offering for its Adiatec high-pressure atomization system. DriSteem's latest enhancements to the Adiatec high-pressure atomization product line will allow systems to be utilized in countries with 50Hz power supplies. Additionally, the product has been certified to CE standards for use in European countries. Lastly, the product has undergone vigorous 3rd party testing to be certified for VDI 6022 part 1 and part 2. This certification demonstrates the highest level of hygienic design.

Customers expect innovative features such as the slide-out redundant schemes, Vapor-logic Controller, and exceptional customer service from DriSteem. This updated product continues that commitment to make products available to a broader marketplace.


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