Extension Springs from Gardner Spring (Tulsa, OK) are made in the USA to strict tolerances from high-grade materials. Gardner Utility Extension Springs are perfect for prototyping or general maintenance and repair, and Gardner Precision and Ultra Precision Extension Springs are ideal for dynamic or heavy cycle applications. The springs feature the following benefits:
- Tight quality control is maintained throughout the manufacturing process.
- All parts are stress relieved.
- Utility Extension Springs are made from Zinc Plated hard drawn carbon steel or 302 Stainless Steel.
- Precision and Ultra Precision Extension Springs come in a plain finish and are made from Music Wire or 302 Stainless Steel. Other materials and special finishes are available upon request.
- End types include Cross Over Center, Machine Hooks, and Full Twist Loops.
- Most sizes are in stock for immediate shipment, and custom orders are welcome.
Click here to learn more.
www.gardnerspring.com; 918-583-0171