Counter/Timer Meters Fit in Drilled Hole

They install in control and monitoring panels by drilling a round hole, rather than creating a rectangular cutout.

The OM 335UQC is a 4-digit universal meter from Bristol Instruments with measurement modes including counter, timer, frequency meter, and clock.
The OM 335UQC is a 4-digit universal meter from Bristol Instruments with measurement modes including counter, timer, frequency meter, and clock.
Bristol Instruments

Bristol Instruments (Boston, MA) has introduced the OM 335UQC, a 4-digit universal meter with measurement modes of counter/timer/frequency meter/clock. Additional features include:

  • The circular section with a diameter of 22 mm, which allows for installation in control and monitoring panels by drilling a round hole, rather than creating a rectangular cutout.
  • Accuracy to 0.1% of range.
  • Programmable functions include measurement mode, time base, linearization, calibration constant and frequency/time conversion filter.
  • Two internal measurement channels, A and B, that enable 2 independent functions (number/frequency) to be evaluated from one measuring input.
  • Availability with 0.8” tall 3-color or 0.5” 2-color LED displays.
  • Up to 4 relay outputs.
  • Three-way isolation: power supply, input and output.
  • Accepts power between 10 to 30 VDC and 24 VAC.

For more information, call 877-866-8500; or visit

The circular section with a diameter of 22 mm allows for installation in control and monitoring panels by drilling a round hole, rather than creating a rectangular cutout.The circular section with a diameter of 22 mm allows for installation in control and monitoring panels by drilling a round hole, rather than creating a rectangular cutout.Bristol Instruments

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