Rubber Gripper Pads for Long Wear Workholding

Series augments the company’s lineup of adjustable and fixed high-speed steel, carbide tipped, solid carbide, diamond surface and urethane surface grippers.

Fairlane Sized

Fairlane Products (Fraser, MI) provides the latest entry into its lineup of grippers and gripper pads: the GP Series of rubber gripper pads. The GP Series rubber gripper pads are ideal as industrial grade contact wear points for automation and positioning applications. Specifically:

  • They are constructed of black nitrile rubber that is molded to a 1/16 in. aluminum backing that can be mounted flat or contoured and formed into round or sharp corners for a wide variety of uses. 
  • The pads are highly customizable for designers and end users to make final size and mounting preparation, and they are easily replaceable. 
  • Standard, off -the-shelf sizes come in both strip (6" length, 1¼ " width) or as square (1¼ ") pads. 
  • The pads come in smooth, fine hatch and coarse hatch surfaces with standard pad heights of ¼" and ½". 

In addition to the GP Series rubber grippers Fairlane Products has available a lineup of a wide range of solid carbide, diamond-tipped and urethane gripper pads in both inch and metric sizes., 888-794-8687

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