Inspect Reservoir Contents with Sediment Bowl

A sediment bowl serves a variety of purposes in monitoring the integrity of fluid stored in tanks, gear boxes, and other equipment housings.

Oil Rite Sized

Sediment bowls provide an efficient means of checking oil quality in a reservoir or bearing. This 5 oz. version by Oil-Rite Corporation (Manitowoc, WI) is made from solid aluminum endplates for durability and longevity. A sediment bowl serves a variety of purposes in monitoring the integrity of fluid stored in tanks, gear boxes, and other equipment housings, such as:

  • Visual inspection of the fluid.
  • Removal of water and contaminants that settle at the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Sample collection for further analysis.

The sediment bowl connects to a shut-off at the drain port of the reservoir being monitored. Fluid is released into the bowl and can then be drained through the needle valve. The valve is positioned off-center so that it can be oriented to the lowest point for horizontal installations. The unit has a glass viewing area, and solid aluminum endplates and aluminum mounting shank provide a sturdy framework. It performs well where other plastic versions might crack at the mounting shank over extended use.; 920-682-6173

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