March 2018 marks the American Ladder Institute (ALI)'s second annual National Ladder Safety Month.
The goal of this awareness month is to draw attention to the dangers of improper ladder use and how easily ladder-related injuries and death can be prevented with simple, straightforward training.
"When you look at the number of ladder-related injuries and deaths that occur every year, it's very clear why we are working to increase ladder safety awareness," said Dave Plotner, ALI Board Member and Vice President of Engineering at Werner Co.
Werner Co. is the Top Cap sponsor of the 2018 National Ladder Safety Month.
Individuals, companies and government organizations are encouraged to participate in National Ladder Safety Month by taking simple steps like hanging a ladder safety checklist in their workplace and/or home, completing ALI's free Ladder Safety Training, viewing the Ladders 101 web page and downloading ladder safety posters from ALI's website.
View the National Ladder Safety Month's marketing guide for some suggestions on how to both participate and spread the word of your participation in this important month.
Learn more how you can participate in National Ladder Safety Month by visiting www.laddersafetymonth.com.