Medical Marijuana Firm Chooses Site for Plant

The company will build its cultivation plant in Arkansas.

Medical Marijuana (10)

PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) — A medical marijuana firm originally from northeast Arkansas has chosen to build its cultivation plant in the Pine Bluff area.

Natural State Wellness Enterprises had its choice of either Jackson or Jefferson counties because two of its applications were chosen among the top five. But the firm picked Jefferson County on Friday because the state's new medical marijuana law only permits the company to operate one facility.

Company spokesman Bart Calhoun said Monday that the decision was based on economic incentives and the county's central location.

Natural State Wellness will be the second cultivation facility in Jefferson County, joining Natural State Medicinals Cultivation.

The company is working to get a $500,000 performance bond and pay the $100,000 license fee to the Medical Marijuana Commission with hopes of starting construction soon.

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