Technician Locker Has Parts Sorted & Waiting for You

Unique system allows for drivers/technicians to enter the facility in a controlled environment.

Introducing the Wirecrafters Technician locker, also referred to as the mechanic or distribution locker.

This unique system allows for drivers/technicians to enter the facility in a controlled environment and have all of their parts sorted and waiting in their designated lockers.

The Technician locker can be used with simple padlock, keycard reader, key pads or a variety of other locks.

On the reverse side the parts manager can load all lockers from the inside of the WireCrafters cage system. All items stay separated and inaccessible from the technician side of the locker bay, allowing the driver/technician to only access their designated cell.

Customize your Technician locker with Free design and layout assistance from Wirecrafters

Ideal for distribution centers, lift truck companies, cable companies, plumbing companies, electrical companies, HVAC companies, and auto tech centers.

  • Control Inventory Loss
  • Controlled Access
  • Maintain Organization
  • Reduce Costs

For more information, call 800-924-9473 or visit

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