Detect Motor Faults Using ESA

The ATPOL II is a tool designed for complete Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) and Power Quality Analysis (PQA).

All Test

ALL-TEST Pro (Old Saybrook, CT) announces the ATPOL II, a tool designed for complete Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) and Power Quality Analysis (PQA). By using ESA to detect a motor fault before it breaks, a user can save its organization countless hours of downtime and thousands of dollars in savings, justifying itself immediately. Features include:

  • 1000V CAT III rating - Directly connect to electrical motors & generators with an operating voltage up to 1000V.
  • The ability to perform multiple motor tests automatically. The user can set a delay between each test.
  • Test Plan Manager - Software allows you to plan your motor & power testing projects in advance & automatically integrate into your ATPOL II.
  • Compatibility with SD cards to 32GB.; 860-399-4222

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