Detect, Alert Baghouse Leaks

The DD-3000 is ideal for baghouse leak detection when installed in stacks, ducts or pipes.

Binmaster Sized

BinMaster (Lincoln, NE) brings a sense of simplicity to customers seeking basic operation and single-point particulate monitoring with the new DD-3000 Dust Alert sensor.

The DD-3000 is ideal for baghouse leak detection when installed in stacks, ducts or pipes. This single-piece, compact sensor with integrated electronics and sensing probe utilizes highly reliable inductive electrification technology to detect—and alert—when particulate emissions exceed a preset point.

Use the DD-3000 for:

  • Improved productivity: Employees are automatically alerted, saving time on manual inspections.
  • Enhanced process control: Turn off a process immediately when dust levels exceed standards.
  • Preventive maintenance: Early warning of leak detection prevents unscheduled shut downs. 

The DD-3000 is easy to install and configure with no special alignment or structural supports needed. Sensor models are available with either an alarm relay—generally used to alert to a need for maintenance—or a 4-20 mA transmitter output option used for monitoring trends and compliance. This proactive dust sensor is applicable in a wide range of applications including cement, mining, chemicals, food, wood and more.; 800-278-4241

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