The Miniature Linear Voice Coil Motor from Moticont features a high force-to-weight ratio of 14.5 oz. (4.0 N) continuous.
The miniature Linear Voice Coil Motor, LVCM-022-013-01, from Moticont (Van Nuys, CA) features a high force-to-weight ratio of 14.5 oz. (4.0 N) continuous force and 45.7 oz. (12.7 N) peak force in a compact 0.875” (22.2 mm) diameter x 0.50” (12.7 mm) long package. Additional features include:
- Zero cogging.
- High repeatability to <1 μm (0.00004”) when operated in a closed loop as a DC servo motor.
- Applicable in pick-and-place, testing, laser steering, mirror positioning, scanning, oscillation, switching, and hand held medical, dental, or industrial applications.
- A stroke length of 0.25” (6.4 mm).
- The ability to be added to new or existing applications using the precision drilled and tapped 4-40 UNC-2B mounting holes.
For more information, visit http://www.moticont.com; or call 818-785-1800.