M Motors with Standard or HD Bearings

The heavy duty bearing allows for indirect drive options such as gears, belts and pulleys.

Fluidyne Sized

M motors from FluiDyne Fluid Power (Fraser, MI) are a proven design that has been operating in the field for decades. They are available with either standard (25M, 35M, 45M & 50M) or heavy duty (26M, 36M, 46M & 51M) bearings. The heavy duty bearing allows for indirect drive options such as gears, belts and pulleys. Specifically:

  • These motors start out with high efficiencies and operate at those levels throughout the life of the motor. This is inherent in this vane motor design.
  • M motors can operate at as low as 100 rpm to as high as 3,000 rpm at maximum pressure. It can run at faster speeds as the system pressures decrease. 

www.fluidynefp.com; 800-842-5377

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