TCI Precision Metals (Gardena, CA) has announced the addition of specialized round stock conversion to squared, high precision Machine-Ready Blanks. Depending on job specifications or customer preference, round and square, precision Machine-Ready Blanks are now available, starting from round raw stock. There tends to be more waste converting round materials to square machine-ready blanks, but if specifications or material availability dictate, TCI can now efficiently deliver on the request with its ‘round to square’ milling services, says the company. TCI sawing, milling and grinding equipment are all designed for high volume production and are configured to convert and prep virtually all materials to precision machine-ready specifications much more efficiently than most shops can do in-house.
Machine-Ready Blanks from TCI Precision Metals help shops increase throughput up to 25%. With a single order, a customer can receive custom precision blanks ready to load directly into their CNC machining centers.
www.tciprecision.com; 800-234-5613