Pit Furnace Heat Treats Auto Parts

It's used for heat treating automotive parts in baskets.

Grieve's No. 1040 is a 2,200°F (1,204°C), inert atmosphere pit furnace.
Grieve's No. 1040 is a 2,200°F (1,204°C), inert atmosphere pit furnace.

The No. 1040 is a 2,200°F (1,204°C), inert atmosphere pit furnace from Grieve (Round Lake, IL) that is used for heat treating automotive parts in baskets at the customer’s facility. Features include: Workspace dimensions of 36” (W) x 36” (D) x 48” (H).

  • 78 KW installed in heavy gauge, high temperature Kanthal AF alloy wire heating elements of rod overbend design.
  • Powered through a low voltage transformer to heat the workload. 
  • 11”-thick insulated walls with 4½” thick 2,600°F firebrick, 2 ½” thick 2,300°F firebrick, and 4” 1,900°F block insulation.
  • An insulated floor comprising 7” of castable refactory and 4” block insulation.
  • A ¼” plate steel exterior reinforced with structural steel.
  • An air-operated, rear-hinged door.
  • Continuously welded outer shell.
  • High temperature door gasket.
  • Sealed heater terminal boxes.
  • Inert atmosphere inlet, outlet, flow meter and manual gas valve.
  • A digital indicating temperature controller.
  • A manual reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors.
  • An SCR power controller.

For more information, visit www.grievecorp.com; or call (847) 546-8225. 

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