DieQua Corporation (Bloomingdale, IL) announces its new ZE Series from Zimm Screw Jack Systems with upgraded features that take Zimm’s already state-of-the-art screw jack to the next level. ZE, short for Zimm Evolution, represents the latest design features of its dynamic and proven screw jack platform. Zimm continues to revolutionize the classic jack design into a highly engineered product. Features include:
• Increased gearbox lubrication capacity, allowing for increased duty cycles.
• Reduced backlash from advanced worm gear design and machining techniques.
• A gearbox that is oil compatible for increased duty cycles and higher speeds.
• A smoother body design for easier application of corrosion/paint protection and washdown.
Zimm Screw Jack Systems center around an electromechanical drive system, handling load capacities from just a few pounds to 100 tons and moving these loads, no matter what the size with precise positioning and accuracy.
www.diequa.com; 630-980-1133