According to Dynatect (New Berlin, WI), those who have not previously pursued ball screw repair may be surprised to learn that 30-60% of used PGBS can be refurbished to new condition with an included warranty. Further, the cost of those repairs is typically just 50-60% the cost of new PGBS. For managers with cost reduction initiatives, a 25% net savings across a population of annual PGBS purchases is significant to reconsider. Additional cost savings can be realized with reduced machine downtime.
Dynatect LSI has introduced a savings calculator to evaluate both potential cost savings and reducing downtime. There are 10 inputs to flexibly model your specific company/application, such as the number of machine uptime hours in a working day. It also provides guidance on typical ranges for unknown values. The output includes comparison of downtime day reduction, along with total ball screw cost and emergency downtime cost. The output can be saved and shared with other stakeholders in evaluating different practices to achieve different performance metrics. This tool can empower your team financially justify repair and stocking options.
Download the calculator here.; 800-298-2066