Advanced Memory & Data System Quickly Moves Information

The Model 9740 provides simultaneous data interface over 10GB Ethernet, Mil-Std 1553, RS-232/422.

The AMADEUS includes the Model 9740 Multi-Port data transfer unit which includes four removable memory cards (RMC) and a mini-Ground Station Adapter (GSA).
The AMADEUS includes the Model 9740 Multi-Port data transfer unit which includes four removable memory cards (RMC) and a mini-Ground Station Adapter (GSA).

The Memory Division of Kaman Precision Products (Middletown, CT) has announced the AMADEUS, an Advanced Memory and Data Exchange Universal System. The AMADEUS includes the Model 9740 Multi-Port data transfer unit which includes four removable memory cards (RMC) and a mini-Ground Station Adapter (GSA). The Model 9740 provides simultaneous data interface over 10GB Ethernet, Mil-Std 1553, RS-232/422 as well as options to record multiple SMPTE 292 and NTSC (RS-170) video/audio channels. Additional features include:

  • Each RMC boasts a capacity of 2TB with AES 256 encrypted data-at-rest.
  • A rugged and hermetically sealed stainless-steel case.
  • A pocket-sized GSA that facilitates operations and enables the operator to connect via USB 3.0 in order to rapidly exchange pre-and post-mission data.

For more information call 860-632-4634; or visit

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