The Wheatstone Bridge Universal In-Line Signal Conditioner

While providing easy accessibility for transducer field calibrations, especially when space is limited, the IN-UVI provides a great solution for applications where a transducer must be located in a hostile environment.

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The OMEGA (Stamford, CT) IN-UVI in-line signal conditioner is housed in a rugged stainless steel enclosure, which is connected between the transducer and a readout instrument. While providing easy accessibility for transducer field calibrations, especially when space is limited, the IN-UVI provides a great solution for applications where a transducer must be located in a hostile environment or some distance away from the display. The IN-UVI supplies a highly regulated bridge excitation voltage for the transducer or load cell and a host of features including:

  • Improved signal to noise ratio.
  • Two selectable excitation voltages.
  • Wide zero adjustment range.
  • An isolated shunt calibration relay for quick field setup.; 888-826-6342

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