Top-Mount Valve Positioner

Badger Meter's new valve positioner mounts directly to the top of a control valve with a rugged linear potentiometer.

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Badger Meter (Milwaukee, WI) introduces its new Research Control SRD991 top-mount valve positioner. The new valve positioner mounts directly to the top of a control valve with a rugged linear potentiometer. While most valve positioners are side-mounted, the new top-mounted SRD991 uses a linear connection, which mitigates hysteresis between the positioner and actuator by feeding back the actual position of a valve actuator – faster, more accurate and more consistent than ever before. This provides significantly improved flow control. Features include:
• Graphical LCD display.
• Advanced diagnostics.
• Partial stroke test (PST) for emergency shutdown applications.
• Network protocols & connectivity.; 877-243-1010

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