Icelandic Company Tackles Seafood Fraud

Consumers can see where their fish was caught (or farm raised), the fishermen, species information, the processing plant and transport information.

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(PRNewswire)  Niceland Seafood is on a mission to transform the seafood industry. The company is delivering fish directly from Iceland and, according to the company, using the most environmentally friendly methods of transport to get premium cod, arctic char, ocean perch and other species to grocery stores, consumers and professional chefs.

To meet some additional goals Niceland recruited industry veterans and scientists from Boston, Miami, San Diego, and Northern California to focus on ways of improving practices in the seafood industry. They'll be tasked with educating buyer partners and home cooks about transparency and quality, thus building demand for better practices and traceable, Icelandic fish. 

To take a stand against fraud and hopefully lead by example, Niceland Seafood developed a new fish-purchasing experience with its TraceabiliT™ web-app. Now, buyers and home cooks can see the entire journey of their meal, including the location in Icelandic waters where the fish was caught (or farm raised), the fishermen, species information, the processing plant and transport information.

The entire TracabiliT chain is viewable by using any smartphone's built-in camera to resolve a QR code on the package. In addition to its tracing technology, Niceland Seafood is committed to reducing waste within the global supply chain, as all Niceland Seafood products are shipped using 100 percent recyclable CoolSeal boxes.

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