Haribo Gifts Man Candy After He Finds Company's $4M Lost Check

But he called the reward β€œa bit cheap.”

A man in Germany recently stumbled upon something surprising on his walk home.

According to German newspaper Bild, the man saw a piece of paper on the ground, only to discover that it was a check for a massive sum of money.

The check was made out to candy company Haribo, issued by one of their retailers for the amount of 4.6 million euros.

The man – referred to as Anouar G. – contacted the candy company who told him to destroy the check.

Later, he received a β€œthank you gift box” from Haribo which included six bags of the company’s products – including candy.

Anuoar G. told Bild he found the thank you gift to be β€œa bit cheap.”

Haribo said the check was crossed, which means it could not have been presented for cash at a bank and only the company could have redeemed it.

According to Business Insider, Haribo says they sent Anuoar G. their standard thank you package.

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