U.S. Gun Manufacturing More than Doubled in Past Decade

The number of firearm manufacturers in Texas alone soared more than 1,200%.

A recent analysis of federal law enforcement data shows a staggering increase in gun manufacturing and sales in the U.S. in recent years.

Data analysis publication Visual Capitalist detailed how annual gun purchases climbed from some 13 million in the 2010s to 20 million last year.

The nation’s firearm production, meanwhile, doubled from 5 million guns in 2010 to more than 10 million in 2020.

The report comes amid renewed debate over gun regulations amid a slew of mass shootings, particularly at a Texas elementary school.

The Houston Chronicle notes that in the Lone Star State alone, the number of gun manufacturers jumped more than 1,200% over 20 years.

Texas was home to 150 companies licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to make firearms in 2000.

Today, the state houses more than 2,000 licensed gun manufacturers.

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