Maybe the Best Smart Phone App Ever

Replicating your favorite beers with two simplified pieces of equipment and a smart phone app.

One of the biggest trends facing the industrial sector is a growing demand for greater customization. Production schemes like Engineered to Order and Manufactured to Order are presenting opportunities and challenges as enterprises look to provide customers will products and solutions specifically tailored to their needs, preferences or timelines.

A marketplace that perfectly illustrates this age of customization is craft brewing. According to the Brewers Association, craft brewing represented more than $22 billion in retail sales last year, which is more than one-fifth of total beer sales in the U.S. And it’s growing at a clip of 12 percent annually.

Taking things a step further is Australia’s Coopers Brewery and their BrewArt offering, which allows the beer snob in every crew to replicate their favorite brews with two simplified pieces of equipment and a smart phone. The offering, which retails for about $800 with specific BrewPrint recipes ranging from $28-$44, is comprised of two primary parts.

The Beerdroid brews and chills the beer while the Brewflo stores and pours. The Beerdroid is where recipes are placed and features a user-friendly LCD screen and status prompts that allow the home brewer to control flavor-dictating controls like temperature, as well as distinct settings for varying beer profiles. Notifications are then sent via a mobile app to help guide the process.

Then the Patented End of Fermentation technology detects when the brew is complete and ready to keg, or an automatic storage mode automatically maintains the beer until the brewer is ready to keg.

The Brewflo is the unit’s temperature controlled, 5-liter keg dispenser that works without CO2. By eliminating exposure to oxygen, the 10 pint glasses of beer produced can stay fresher for longer.

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