Security Breach: Walking the Line

Balancing resources to keep the bad guys out, improve real-time visibility, and develop quicker responses to new attacks.

In what might be legendary singer Johnny Cash's most famous song, he speaks of keeping his eyes wide open all the time, and those tasked with OT security responsibilities are finding that they too need to walk the line. 

In the cybersecurity world this means balancing between the priorities of different operational environments, selecting tools and technologies that best match these priorities, and then understanding how all these investments can be intertwined to carry out your strategy. Unfortunately, this makes it bit more difficult to stay true to original plans. 

Navigating that line also entails an understanding that keeping the bad guys out is not the sole function of cyber defense, because the evolution of threats and an expanding OT attack surface has created an incredibly complex environment – a fact that is as obvious as night is dark and day is light. 

So, to keep us walking that line in understanding how to adapt our tools and strategies, we welcome Stephen Tutterow, a team lead at Pentera, to the show. Pentera is a leading provider of automated security validation solutions.

To catch up on past episodes, you can go to or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at [email protected]

To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity,  The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.

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