Recalls Driving Growth in Food Inspection Market

The food safety market will exceed 1.3 billion tests in 2019.

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(PRNewswire)  Recent food recalls in the United States and Europe due to the presence of food pathogens is putting more pressure on processors to test more frequently. This will drive demand for food safety diagnostic products and commercial laboratory services over the next five years. 

This demand will drive the food safety market to exceed 1.3 billion tests in 2019, with more than 300 million of these tests being for higher value pathogen detection and identification tests. Demand for food safety laboratory services is growing even faster -- at double digits – and leads the food safety sector as processors increasingly outsource food pathogen analysis to commercial labs. 

The Industrial Microbiology Market Report, 5th Edition from Strategic Consulting, Inc. provides an in-depth analysis of the food safety microbiology testing marketplace, including market size, growth rates, competition, market drivers and detailed market estimates for 2018 and projections through 2023.  

Industrial microbiology market growth, which had been dominated by markets in North America and Europe, will shift to higher growth markets in Asia, Latin America and other world regions, where greater than 90 percent of world population growth will occur through 2050.

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