MELTRIC Corporation (Franklin, WI) has released Hazardous-Rated Metal 60 Amp & 150 Amp plugs and receptacles for Division 2 / Zone 2 environments. DSN150/DS60 Division 2 / Zone 2 Series devices are designed and rated for use in hazardous environments where explosive gases are not likely to be present under normal conditions but may occur for short periods of time. These devices are ideal for locations such as refineries, fuel or solvent storage areas, plastic extrusion where oil removal is part of the process, and paint storage areas, among others. Features include:
- cCSAus rating, and all are horsepower rated and listed up to 75HP. The amperage, voltage, horsepower and environmental ratings are indicated on the product labels. You may also add up to six auxiliary pilot contacts for additional equipment monitoring capabilities.
- A dead front on receptacles, which isolates the supply contacts and prevents user exposure to live parts. The receptacle’s safety shutter blocks access to the contacts and can only be opened by DSN/DS plugs with compatible ratings and contact configurations.
- A standard screw-type locking pawl on receptacles, which allows the user to lock the plug to the receptacle by tightening a screw on the pawl. For added security, a lockout hole is included on the receptacle that enables the user to insert a 5/16” lock or locking pin to prevent the plug from being disconnected or to lock the receptacle lid closed.; 414-433-2700