Editor’s Pick: Absorbent Can Be Reused Up to Six Times

According to SpillVak, its product absorbs up to 6-times more fluid than standard materials.

According to SpillVak (Las Vegas, NV) its customers often express frustration with rock and clay-based absorbents and their inability to truly absorb and hold fluids. They say that even if the fluids initially adhere to these materials, the leaching process often begins immediately following.

Alternatively, the SpillVak product absorbs up to 6-times more fluid than these materials, can be reused up to 4-to-6 times and is all-natural, without strip-mining beauty for production. A waste product from the international coconut industry, SpillVak’s one raw ingredient is shipped to its facility in the US and turned into the most absorbent product available.

Click here for more information.

www.spillvak.com; 888-800-1402

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