Solids Measurement in Silos

Users can access inventory data from a phone, tablet, or PC using BinView or Binventory software.

Bin Master Sized

Highly configurable, the SmartBob continuous level sensor from BinMaster (Lincoln, NE) does away with climbing silos, making managing inventory of powders and solids simple. SmartBobs offer specialized options for submersed solids, high and super-high temperatures, large diameter vessels, and output directly to a PLC. Wireless options for SmartBob provide two-way communication between SmartBob sensors mounted on tops of silos and the control source on the ground or in a control room. Users can access inventory data from a phone, tablet, or PC using BinView or Binventory software. Push-button consoles make inventory available from truck load outs or a centralized location. Smartbobs are versatile enough to measure any material, including solids under water, using an assortment of probes including spikes, cones, bottles, and spheres. The sensor is offered with Nylon and Teflon-jacketed cable including FDA-approved, or bare cable for temperatures up to 1000°.; 401-434-9102

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