IoT-Enabled Motors Reach Out When They Need Servicing

Smart sensing solution can reduce low-voltage motor downtime.

The sensor technology offers the Internet of Things, Services and People (IoTSP), ABB’s concept for enabling greater product digitalization.
The sensor technology offers the Internet of Things, Services and People (IoTSP), ABB’s concept for enabling greater product digitalization.

ABB (Switzerland) today announced that it has transformed simple motors into intelligent machines that tell you when they need servicing. According to the company, the new smart sensors can be attached directly to the motor to supply operating and condition information via wireless transmission.

The sensor technology (download infographic) offers the Internet of Things, Services and People (IoTSP), ABB’s concept for enabling greater product digitalization. Additional features include:

  • Information on parameters such as vibration, temperature, or overload.
  • The ability to calculate power consumption.
  • A data analysis software program that alerts plant operators with graphics for maintenance planning, thereby enabling downtime reductions.
  • The ability to increase motor lifetime and reduce energy consumption.
  • An expected ROI of <1 year.
  • The ability to be installed at the factory or retrofitted on already operating low-voltage motors.
  • No electrical connection to the motor; so unauthorized parties cannot access the motor via this route.
  • Wireless transmission via encryption protocols to a secure server where they are analyzed using special algorithms.
  • Encrypted data storage in the cloud.
  • An Internet-based customer portal that uses a role-based access protocol to make the data securely accessible.

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