Compact, Reliable 055 Series AC Parallel Shaft Gearmotor

It's the perfect option for applications that require a compact parallel shaft solution.

Bison Sized

Bison Gear & Engineering Corp. (St. Charles, IL) now offers the 055 Series AC Parallel Shaft Gearmotor, the perfect option for applications that require a compact parallel shaft solution. These applications include industrial machinery, food and beverage equipment, packaging applications, conveyors and the agriculture industry. Specifically:

  • The compact 055 Series is only 7.8” in length by 3.36” in width. High-strength polymer and powdered metal gearing provides reliable performance at an affordable price.
  • Rated at 1/25 horsepower, the speed range is 14-164 RPM, and the torque range is 12-67 in-lbs. The 055 Series is continuous duty rated.
  • Designed with flexibility in mind, the 055 series gearmotor can be mounted in any direction and features easy switch leads to reverse output shaft rotation. Six standard gear ratios are available from Bison., 800-AT-BISON

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