Hybrid Flexible Coupling

Twin Spring Couplings patented design allows the coupling to do the job of two different coupling technologies in the one.

Twin Spring Sized

Twin Spring Coupling (Pearl River, NY) has announced the release the TSC150, a hybrid flexible coupling unit that replaces all Universal, Jaw, Beam, Bellows and other flexible industrial couplings. Twin Spring Couplings patented design allows the coupling to do the job of two different coupling technologies in the one, as well as offering a truly maintenance free product as it contains no bearings. Specifically:

  • The Twin Spring Coupling TSC150 can handle high speed/low misalignment, while being more flexible than the current industrial couplings due to its dual spring construction.
  • Typically, industrial couplings can only work at +/-2° out of alignment before they start to wear out.
  • It can also run at lower speeds and higher misalignment like the industry standard universal joint, which requires constant maintenance (greasing and worn bearing replacement).
  • Twin Spring Coupling’s one-piece design also means no broken yokes which is another area of product failure with universal joints.
  • The Twin Spring Coupling is torque rated to 150 ft lbs of torque and can run at speeds of up to 3500 RPM at low degrees of misalignment.

www.twinspringcoupling.com; 718-938-1950

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