Gaylord Tilter Loads Conveyors, Sorters

The Model GTU-500 tilts loads up to 110˚ to provide controlled emptying of container contents.

Southworth Sized

A new gaylord tilter from Southworth Products Corp (Portland, ME) is the fast, efficient way to get parcels and other items from gaylords and other large containers onto conveyors and automated sortation systems. The Model GTU-500 tilts loads up to 110˚ to provide controlled emptying of container contents. It features a unique pan-style platform that sits essentially flush with the floor when lowered, allowing gaylords to be placed and retrieved by a hand pallet truck – no forklift necessary. A steel retention bar prevents gaylords from falling even when the unit is tilted to the full 110˚.

Unloading container contents with a tilt device like the GTU-500 makes work faster, safer and easier which translates into higher productivity and reduced workers strain and injury.; 207-878-0700

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