Industrial Door Designed for Safety, Efficiency

They operate at industry-best speeds of 100 inches per second, minimizing air intrusion while maximizing productivity.

Rite Hite Sized

Industrial doors have undergone dramatic technological improvements in recent years, offering facility managers reduced cycle times and increased efficiency. Rite-Hite Doors (Milwaukee, WI) has pioneered much of this technology, with products like FasTrax doors. The design of FasTrax doors allows them to operate at industry-best speeds of 100 inches per second, minimizing air intrusion while maximizing productivity. These high operating speeds also decrease the likelihood of forklift collisions. However, if impacted, the TRUE auto re-feed feature on FasTrax doors allows the door to re-feed itself back into the door track without human intervention. It is also the safest door in the industry, with features including Soft Break-Away Technology, Soft-Edge Technology and thru-beam photo eyes. Additional benefits include the following:

  • FasTrax versatile track designs allow the door curtain to store in multiple track configurations, which makes it unique from other roll up doors. FasTrax doors will fit in almost any application with fewer costly building modifications.
  • FasTrax can be used in a variety of applications including wash-down, high-wind, and cooler or freezer high-cycle application.
  • The Rite-Hite line of doors offers multiple LED light communication options. Products include the LED Virtual Vision, LED Pre-Announce and LED Countdown.

See these products in action at PACK EXPO 2018, booth #11027.; 800-456-0600

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