Color: Key to Managing Lubrication

Color-coded oil reservoirs and lubricators create a more organized work environment and help ensure that machinery benefits from consistent lubrication.

Oil Rite Sized

Color-coded oil reservoirs and lubricators provide clear direction, reduce mistakes, and draw attention to items that require periodic monitoring. The new line of Color Key reservoirs by Oil-Rite Corporation (Manitowoc, WI) includes red, blue, yellow and green versions of lubricating equipment. They create a more organized work environment and help ensure that machinery benefits from consistent lubrication. Lubricators – commonly referred to as oilers – consist of a reservoir and one or move valves used to control flow of lubricant to an applicator such as a brush. The center of the reservoir is clear acrylic or glass. The top and bottom of Color Key reservoirs are made from eye-catching colored polypropylene. The lubricant they dispense serves the vital purpose of reducing friction, heat and wear in moving parts.  Without it, machinery is likely to perform erratically or even fail. Additional benefits include the following:

  • Color Key lubricators provide a simple means of differentiating fluids to eliminate confusion when refilling. The color can also tie the dispenser to the dispensing point when the two are separated by distance. A matching colored label at the dispensing point easily establishes a visual connection back to the fluid source.
  • Preventive maintenance programs can benefit from color coding. For example, a red reservoir might indicate that it is checked at the beginning of every shift. A yellow reservoir may be part of a weekly inspection and green may be monitored during periodic machinery maintenance.  The color creates instant recognition of important maintenance schedules throughout the plant.
  • The value of the brightly colored lubrication equipment may be to simply have it stand out from its surroundings. A lubricator is often mounted directly to machinery and sometimes in obscure areas. By being more visible, it is more likely to be monitored for proper dispensing and replenishment.; 920-682-6173

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