Bulk Box, Tote and Bin Filler

Loading bulk solid materials free of dust.

Jj 0693 Basic Tote Filler Img 7957 Wall 20210819 Rgb Hi

Flexicon (Bethlehem, PA) Basic Filler for bulk boxes, totes, bins or other intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) loads bulk solid materials free of dust at low cost.

The unit's fill head can be raised or lowered using a forklift and secured with clevis pins to minimize the clearance between the rectangular dust hood and the opening of IBCs ranging from 48 to 78 in. (1219 to 1981 mm) tall.

A fill head port can be vented to a filter sock to contain displaced dust or to a central bag house that causes a clear flexible skirt to vacuum-seal against the container's exterior, increasing dust containment effectiveness.

Performance can be enhanced by a vibratory deck to densify and stabilize the material during filling and/or load cells that signal a PLC when to stop the flow of material by stopping a conveyor or closing a rotary valve or slide gate once a programmed weight is gained.

Rated for loads up to 6500 lbs (2948 kg), the frame is offered in carbon steel with durable industrial coating, with stainless steel material contact surfaces or in all-stainless construction to industrial or sanitary standards.

It can be integrated with Flexicon mechanical or pneumatic conveying systems or the user's upstream process equipment or storage vessels.


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