Garlock ISO-GARD Bearing Isolators

Easy to install and constructed using a filled PTFE material and fluoroelastomer O-rings, ISO-GARD Bearing Isolators provide excellent chemical resistance.

Motion Sized

Garlock’s ISO-GARD Bearing Isolators, available from Motion (Birmingham, AL) offer exceptional bearing protection for motors, pumps and bearing-supported industrial equipment, even under harsh conditions.

Easy to install and constructed using a filled PTFE material and fluoroelastomer O-rings, ISO-GARD Bearing Isolators provide excellent chemical resistance. The engineered labyrinth designs block contaminants while retaining bearing lubrication, per the required IP ratings.

Also available: metallic bearing isolators made of non-sparking bronze, which is essential for process industries that do not tolerate sparking due to the risk of explosion., 800-526-9328

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