Cooling with the Cold Gun Aircoolant System and Vortex Tubes

Operation is quiet and there are no moving parts to wear out.

Exair Sized 2

Vortex Tubes are a low cost, reliable, maintenance free solution to a variety of industrial spot cooling problems. EXAIR (Cincinnati, OH) has used this vortex tube in the Cold Gun Aircoolant System to produce a stream of clean, cold air at 50°F (28°C) below supply air temperature. Specifically:

  • Operation is quiet and there are no moving parts to wear out.
  • It will remove heat to prolong tool life and increase productivity on machining operations when liquid coolants cannot be used.
  • EXAIR's Cold Gun is non-adjustable to prevent freeze-up during use.
  • EXAIR Vortex Tubes are available in three sizes.; 800-903-9247

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