LCD Battery Indicator PT33 Series

The units have a built-in hour meter and service timer, a battery level monitor and a voltage monitor.

Enm Sized

ENM (Chicago, IL) is proud to present its new battery discharge indicator (BDI). This meter is multi-function and can be used in diverse applications. The units have a built in hour meter and service timer, a battery level monitor and a voltage monitor all designed so that users can gather relevant information about their battery in an intuitive manner.The meter includes the following benefits:

  • Programming for nine different battery discharge curve, which will ensure that it will be compatible with a broad range of batteries out in the market today.
  • The meter can monitor batteries with voltage ranging from 12 to 48V and it can detect automatically what voltage system is in used.
  • This compact meter with various functions and alert systems is ideal for customers who wish to get the most relevant information from their battery system., 888-372-0465

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