Remove Scale, Hard Water Deposits and More

STONE ACID is a specially inhibited, low foam acid blend for the removal of hard water deposits and scale.

Madison Chem Sized

Madison Chemical (Madison, IN) introduces MadBrew STONE ACID, a specially inhibited, low foam acid blend for the removal of hard water deposits and scale, extract from wort, lipids from hop compounds, and more. This unique formulation dissolves the crystalline molecular structure of the calcium carbonate which permits the complete removal of the deposits from the kettle, heat exchanger or other equipment.  Ideal for stainless steel and copper alloys when used as directed, MadBrew STONE ACID is recommended for use prior to Enviro-Clean BOIL-OUT on hot side brew house cleaning applications, and in advance of Enviro-Clean BOIL OUT on heat exchangers.  It is ideal for craft breweries of all sizes and volumes, as well as food and beverage plants where hard water deposits and scale are problematic., 812-273-6000

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