According to the State of California Division of Occupational Safety & Health (Cal/OSHA) Title 8, Article 5, Section 3291 (f), roof anchors set at no less than 12 feet apart are required on buildings greater than 48 feet (or 4 stories) in height. New Kee Rigid Anchors from Kee Safety, Inc. (Buffalo, NY) are now available to meet all requirements of the Cal/OSHA design standard, including:
- “Roof tie-backs shall have at least a 2-inch inside diameter closed ‘eye'."
- “Tie-back assembly shall be hot-dip galvanized or afforded equivalent corrosion resistance."
- "Assembly and anchorage provisions adequate to sustain a 5000-pound load applied in any direction without permanent deformation.”
The new line of Kee Rigid Anchors is available in Bolt-on, Bolt-around, Cast-in-place, Epoxy-adhesive, and Weld-on styles to meet a wide range of building and roof types. Each option is available with three diverse attachment points, depending on the application, including a forged D-Ring system, Stainless Steel U-Bar model, or a Tapped Hole option for horizontal lifelines, Kee Safety said.
https://keesafetyus.com/PR-Dec20; 800-851-5181