New Line of Heaters Includes a Salamander and a Milkhouse

The new heaters come in a range of sizes and outputs.

Airmaster's new series of heaters.
Airmaster's new series of heaters.

Airmaster (Jackson, MI) a manufacturer of air circulation and ventilation fan solutions, has introduced a series of five heaters as its newest product category. The new heater product offerings include the: 

  • Portable Ceramic Heater, a 120-volt, 60-hertz portable heater with an output of 5,120 BtuH.
  • Mask Heater, a 120-volt, 60-hertz portable heater with 5,120, 3,071 or 2,047 BtuH output.
  • Milkhouse Heater, a 120-volt, 60-hertz portable heater with 5,118 or 4,436 BtuH output.
  • Electric Salamander Heater, which is available in two sizes and features long-life, finned tubular heating elements. It is available in a 15-kilowatt, 51,180 BtuH output, model or a 30-kilowatt, 102,360 BtuH output model.

For more information, visit; or call 800-255-3084.

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