Master Bond (Hackensack, NJ) EP35SP is a two part epoxy system for bonding and sealing applications, providing resistance to many chemicals such as oils, acids, bases, water, fuels, and especially petrochemicals. It features both a high glass transition temperature (Tg) and a broad service temperature range. Its Tg measures 215-220°C and its serviceability extends from -62°C to +288°C (-80°F to 550°F).
EP35SP has notable dielectric properties with a dielectric constant of 4.5 at 60 Hz and a volume resistivity greater than 1014 ohm-cm. It bonds well to a wide array of substrates including metals, several plastics, ceramics, glass and composites. Upon curing, this system offers low shrinkage and good dimensional stability. Its tensile modulus is 550,000-600,000 psi with an overall superior physical strength profile even under adverse environmental conditions.
EP35SP has a paste viscosity, with little to no flow, and can be applied on vertical surfaces. The mix ratio is an easy to use 100 to 50 by weight. The system has a long working life of 24 to 48 hours. For optimal properties, the recommended cure schedule is 1 hour at 110°C followed by 2-3 hours at 125-150°C, plus a post cure at 175°C for 2-3 hours. Due to its high temperature resistance and structural properties, EP35SP may be considered for bonding and sealing in downhole, aerospace, electronic, optical and specialty OEM applications. Other uses may apply as well. The product is available in 1/2 pint, pint, quart, gallon and 5 gallon kits.
www.masterbond.com; 201-343-8983