Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. (Vernon Hills, IL) introduces the MR-J4-TM multi-network servo drives with EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT interfaces. A PROFINET interface will be available later this year. According to the company, the MR-J4-TM multi-network servo drive combines the industry-leading performance of the MR-J4 family of servos with common industrial Ethernet protocols. Key benefits include:
- Dual 100BASE-TX Ethernet ports in line, tree and star topologies for maximum flexibility in wiring layout.
- Advanced One-Touch Auto-Tuning for optimum performance with no tuning experience necessary.
- 2.5 kHz speed frequency response for short settling time.
- High resolution 4,194,304 pulse/revolution absolute encoders for high speed and accuracy.
- Advanced Vibration Suppression Control II for vibration suppression on both the load and the machine base.
The MR-J4-TM also includes standard IEC61158 Type12 CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE), IEC61800-7 CiA402 drive profile. It also comes with add-on instructions for EtherNet/IP networks using ControlLogix or CompactLogix controllers.; 847-478-2100