Advanced MfgHarley ShaikenDirector of the Center for Latin American Studies and Professor of Letters and Science, University of California, BerkeleyLatest in Advanced MfgNorthrop Uses Modular Tooling for Large Rocket Motor Case for First Time EverAugust 14, 2024Balancing Technological Expansion with Security PrioritiesJune 20, 2024Security Breach: The Protection and Productivity of Zero TrustJune 20, 2024CISA, Partners Release Guidance for Modern Network Access SecurityJune 20, 2024Related StoriesAdvanced MfgOn Demand: Acoustic Imaging for Manufacturing – Capturing Cost Savings Through SoundAdvanced MfgPurdue's New Interdisciplinary Labs Bolster U.S. ManufacturingAdvanced MfgFactors to Consider When Selecting & Implementing an RTUAdvanced MfgLessons Learned From 400 Smart Manufacturing Projects in Indiana