T-Shirt Factory Receives 700+ BBB Complaints This Year

Despite the enraged customers, the company is still taking orders -- and cashing checks.

Dollar Tee Club operates a factory in Tampa, Florida, shipping out t-shirts at ridiculously low prices – some as low as a dollar!

Er… some of that’s true. But most of it’s not.

A news station in Florida has followed up on what it alleges are hundreds of consumer complaints against Dollar Tee Club, from customers who say it takes forever to get the shirts they order – like, a literal year – or they never arrive at all.

Tampa’s ABC Action News says nearly 800 people have contacted the Better Business Bureau in the last year alone to complain about their missing t-shirts, which are supposed to arrive within one or two weeks. The news station tried to track down company leaders for a face to face, but Dollar Tee of course declined. They did, however, submit the following statement by way of explanation:

“Unfortunately, we experienced a very large and unusual growth spike that caused the delays. Since then we have ... improved shipping systems, added more equipment, and hired additional labor to assist.” They also said that problems with their printing equipment was at the source of their fulfillment issues.

So either this is the worst attempt in history to scale a business, or these folks are just plain old scam artists. When visiting the Better Business Bureau page for Dollar Tee Club – the BBB, by the way, does not accredit the company – you’ll find one neutral review, 42 negative ones and zero positive. So something tells me there’s a little more to it than a little screen printer downtime.

We tried to find Dollar Tee Club online and while their website link is busted, they do have a Facebook page… which is basically a picture of their logo and then about 600 comments from angry customers sharing their horror stories. Dollar Tee Club – I know you’re busy not printing shirts, but if you could spare a minute? Take down that page. It’s not helping.

I’m Anna Wells and this is IEN Now

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