Ecommerce Marketing Opportunities

Our engaged users include C-Level, Plant Management, IT, Procurement, Sales/Marketing and finance titles.

Industrial Media offers the largest reach into the North American manufacturing sector, reaching both process and discrete manufacturing. Our engaged users include C-Level, Plant Management, IT, Procurement, Sales/Marketing and finance titles. Some upcoming custom lead-gen programs focused on ecommerce include:

  • Using Ecommerce to Grow Product-as-a-Service Capabilities

The ability to integrate equipment performance metrics and machine-to-machine communication protocols has opened the door to a new type of revenue opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers. We’ll offer a closer look at how connecting this data with ecommerce portals and enterprise software can create efficiencies for buyers and new opportunities for suppliers of products ranging from conveyor belts to cutting tools.

  • Ecommerce: Not Just for the Consumer Market

A look at how more manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial business-to-business sector are using ecommerce to streamline purchasing, improve inventory management and feed just-in-time (JIT) production strategies.

  • Ecommerce and the Industrial IoT

How the growth of ecommerce and the internet of things have flowed in parallel throughout the industrial sector. We’ll dissect how the interwoven nature of these technologies are impacting manufacturing and how progressive companies can leverage ecommerce and the industrial IoT moving forward.

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