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ERP Software Marketing Opportunities

Our engaged users include C-Level, Plant Management, IT, Procurement, Sales/Marketing and finance.

Industrial Media offers the largest reach into the North American manufacturing sector, reaching both process and discrete manufacturing. Our engaged users include C-Level, Plant Management, IT, Procurement, Sales/Marketing and finance.

Some upcoming custom lead-gen programs focused on ERP include:

  • Time and Cost-Sensitive Integration Strategies

One of the primary roadblocks to wider-spread adoption of ERP in small and mid-size enterprises is the time and costs associated with transitioning to a new software platform. We’ll offer best practices that will help minimize disruptions and ensure a timely, cost-effective transition.

  • Making ERP Data More Mobile Friendly

The breadth and depth of data made available by ERP systems is extraordinary. For many manufacturers, the next challenge is making data dashboards as accessible as possible in formats that mesh with worker device preference, environmental considerations and cybersecurity measures.

  • Improving Response Times with Customized Data

Time-to-market timelines are shrinking due to shorter product lifecycles and ever-changing customer demands. To help the industrial sector keep pace with these enhanced customization trends, we’ll provide a rundown of tactics and strategies that manufacturers can use to customize dashboards and prioritize ERP data in improving responsiveness, optimizing supply chain performance and growing profits.

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