The Impact of Computerized Maintenance Management

Going beyond typical efficiencies to improve profits and eliminate downtime.

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The computerized maintenance management system incorporates a host of features and functionalities that empower facility managers to stay on top of asset performance, maintenance schedules and operational efficiency in real-time. It also enables the maintenance crew to store and share a historical record of all work orders, asset conditions, and inventory levels across locations.

CMMS Software can automate everything from technical procedures to documentation, enabling facility managers to exercise complete control over operations and prevent unexpected failures and unplanned downtime. Advanced CMMS software is also designed to accelerate tedious and time-consuming manual processes and procedures by:

  • Auto-generating maintenance work orders.
  • Tracking asset condition and performance across locations.
  • Maintaining the history of preventive and predictive maintenance along with repairs and replacements.
  • Documenting every technical procedure performed on every individual asset across locations.
  • Tracking historical records of vendor contracts and warranties of each and every component.
  • Reporting every pending and ongoing activity in real-time.
  • Keeping a constant track of available resources, inventory levels, labor cost and budget.
  • Integrating with an organization’s existing energy management and control systems, as well as other management solutions to optimize workflow efficiency. 

Eliminating Downtime

Downtime is a major problem for production plants that are required to meet daily targets, and there is no easy way to overcome this issue. Downtime results in delays, unutilized resources and a loss of man-hours.

Having CMMS software in place empowers the facility manager to optimize maintenance schedules, inventory levels, resource utilization and regulatory compliance with real-time visibility into productivity levels and pending work. This level of granular visibility makes it easy to allocate resources efficiently and maximize equipment uptime for increased profits and productivity.

Facilities need to remain accessible, up and running 24x7x365. This requires facility managers to consistently log data on-site and in the field. CMMS software offers an ultimate solution to overcome constraints associated with real-time management of maintenance schedules. This in turn, improves accountability, boosts productivity, reduces downtime and extends the service life of vital infrastructure assets.


Lindsey Walker works for NEXGEN Asset Management as their Marketing Manager.


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